PO Box 308
Nappanee, Indiana 46550

(574) 773-2151

(574) 773-3950


This page last updated
October 27, 2004

"V-MAX" 1550V
Marvin Ferguson's V-MAX

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"V-MAX" 1550V Specifications
Build time 325-400 hours
Engine 4 cyl. 4 stroke
Flight controls 3-Axis
Wingspan 26' - 6"
Wing area 118 sq. ft.
Wings Removable
Length 16' - 0"
Empty weight 400 lbs.
Gross weight 700 lbs.
Design load factors +4.0 -2.0

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"V-MAX" 1550V Performance
Top speed 80 mph
Cruise speed 75 mph
Stall speed 38-41 mph
Climb rate 900 fpm
Vne 110 mph
Take-off roll < 150 ft.
Landing roll 250 ft.

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"V-MAX" 1550V

  • Fiberglass engine cowl
  • Prop spinner
  • Fiberglass wingtips
  • Fiberglass boarding step
  • Quick removable wings
  • Shoulder harness/seat belt
  • Curved windshield
  • Strut-braced tail
  • 5 gallon gas tank

"V-MAX" 1550V Kit Prices
Option 1
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Airframe Kit Price
#1650R Complete "V-MAX" 1550V Enclosed Mid-Wing Airframe Construction Kit (for 4 cyl. 4 stroke engine).* ** $4795.00

* Enclosed cockpit fuselage and high-wing option available.

** Contains all of the following mini-kit material.

Option 2
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Mini-Kit Prices
#5105 Wing rib kit $299.00
#5510V Wing assembly kit $1299.00
#5615V Fuselage kit * $1299.00
#5220V Landing gear kit $579.00
#5525V Empennage (tail) kit $349.00
#5530V Metal and hardware kit ** $1345.00
#5135 Fabric kit $275.00
#5540V Plans package $165.00
#7230 Epoxy (1/2 gallon) $55.00

* Metal and hardware kit contains only the balance of materials not already included in other sub-kits.

** Enclosed cockpit fuselage and high-wing option available.

JDT Mini-MAX, LLC • PO Box 308 • Nappanee, Indiana 46550
Phone (574) 773-2151 • Fax (574) 773-3950


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