About Our Aircraft

PO Box 308
Nappanee, Indiana 46550

(574) 773-2151

(574) 773-3950


Easy to Build and Fun to Fly!

The name JDT Mini-MAX says it all. A Minimum cost aircraft, requiring a Minimum of building space, time or skill. A "Maximum" high of pure pleasure and performance.

Now you can build and fly your own airplane for less than you think... with time tested and proven designs from JDT Mini-MAX Aircraft. They have helped put hundreds of "New Builder/Owners" into the air... a "first time feeling" that you can only experience by being up there proudly flying your own, self-built aircraft. From Ultralights to Microlights to Experimental Aircraft... JDT Mini-MAX can get you into the air affordably.

JDT Mini-MAX, LLC • PO Box 308 • Nappanee, Indiana 46550
Phone (574) 773-2151 • Fax (574) 773-3950


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© JDT Mini-MAX LLC, 2004 • All rights reserved